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Mann Township, established in 1876 from Southampton Township, which now borders it to the West, is home to Artemas, Inglesmith, Purcell, Silver Mills, the Buchanan State Forest, and Pennsylvania State Game Lands. It covers just over 35 square miles and is also bordered by Monroe Township on the North; Fulton County, Pennsylvania on the East; and Allegany County, Maryland to the South.

Mann is located in the southeastern most corner of Bedford County and is named after the Honorable Job Mann, a very prominent man of the county. Mann studied law, was admitted to the bar, and had a practice in Bedford for many years. Having served as the Register, Recorder, and Clerk for Bedford County for many years, he was elected to Congress, was a member of the House of Representatives, and also served as the Pennsylvania State Treasurer for a period of time.

Once a flourishing and industrious township full of rich farmland, it is home to many cemeteries that serve as the final resting place for the many farmers, housekeepers, carpenters, store owners, mail carriers, and their children who helped make the township what it is today!

Stroll through Bennett, Bethel Christian, Conrad Farm, Fairview, Gideon Smith Farm, Greenfield, Johnson, Lashley, Mueller/Miller, Morse Farm, Perrin, and Purcell Field Cemeteries and remember those who came before us and the Veterans who we honor for their courage and patriotism.


Black and white on white paper

230 pages

8.5" x 11"


West Providence Township situated in rural South Central Pennsylvania in eastern Bedford County was established in 1854 when Providence Township was divided into East and West. The historic Lincoln Highway (Route 30) runs through the Township along with the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Forbes Road once passed through the Township and portions of it can still be seen today. Everett Borough is located in the Mid-West section of the Township. West Providence, at just over 38 square miles, is home to many beautiful mountains, valleys, farms, churches, villages and cemeteries.

This book covers all the known cemeteries within the township including Baughman Union Church, Bussard (Warrior Ridge), Calhoun Farm, Cherry Lane Church, Clark Farm, Cliffside Acres, Dibert Farm, Dietrich Farm, Indian Springs, Kegg (Vaughn Williams Farm), McDaniel Farm, Morgart and Morgret, Mount Union Christian Church, O’Neal Farm, Ritchey Farm, Roller/Disbrow Farm, Sparks, West Providence Bible Baptist Church, and Williams Farm.  Please note the Everett Cemetery is located within Everett Borough and is not included in this book.


Black and white on white paper

190 pages

8.5" x 11"

With a deep-rooted history dating back to the 1700’s, Southampton Township lies in the southern part of Bedford County and is home to hundreds of Veterans who have proudly worn our Nation’s Uniform.  Nestled within the Township are over 25 cemeteries that serve as the final resting place for many of our heroic loved ones, some of which sacrificed their lives for our freedoms!

This is the first book of its kind relating specifically to the Veterans of Southampton Township and is a tribute to all the men and women, past and present, who have proudly served their country.

Take a look back at our heroes, the Veterans of Southampton Township!


This two volume set contains information on nearly 400 Veterans that was born, raised or lived in the Township! It contains many photos, obituaries, Military Service Files, Application Files, newspaper clippings, etc. Each book is completely indexed and all Veterans are listed alphabetically by last name. Both books combined contain over 650 pages of information on the Veterans of Southampton Township you won’t find anywhere else!!


Black and white on white paper

Book One (A-K) - 318 pages

Book Two (L-Z) - 370 pages

8.5" x 11"

Southampton Township formed in 1799 is nestled in the southern-most part of Bedford County. It occupies just over 80 square miles and is the home to over 25 Cemeteries.
After a search through more than 100,000 records, these are some of the unknown and unmarked graves of the men, women, children and infants that will never be forgotten.

After searching through online and printed records, including death certificates, obituaries, newspaper articles, etc., I stumbled upon the individuals listed throughout this book. These individuals are most likely buried in a grave with no marker or stone. They may also be buried with only a stone and no inscription. Some may also be buried with a stone or marker that only includes initials.
I hope that you’ll find a long lost relative, a mystery may be solved and you’ll be able to add another member to your family tree!


Black and white on white paper

41 pages

6" x 9"

Flintstone, a small community situated in Allegany County, Maryland is located about one mile south of the Mason-Dixon Line. It lies between the southern end of Tussey Mountain and a water gap in Warrior Mountain formed by Flintstone Creek, a tributary of Town Creek, which flows south to the Potomac River.

Flintstone is home to the Rocky Gap State Park and Green Ridge State Forest. This book touches on over 15 cemeteries and includes a listing of interments for each. Explore through Glendale Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Odd Fellows Cemetery, Piney Plains Cemetery, Rocky Gap Veterans Cemetery and many more! This book is not only a reference but it also pays respect to the Country’s best and bravest Veterans who have proudly worn our Nation’s uniform. You’ll be sure to find your ancestor’s resting place!

Cemeteries included in this book are:

Brinkman-Rine Cemetery (Oldtown Orleans Road, Little Orleans, MD); Browning Cemetery (Black Valley Road, Clearville, PA); Bucy Cemetery (Town Creek Road, Oldtown, MD); Lemel Bucy Family Cemetery (located inside Rocky Gap State Park); Dolly Cemetery (Black Valley Road, Flintstone, MD); Fairview Cemetery (Street Road, Flintstone, MD); Fifty-Four (54) Cemetery (Green Ridge Road, Oldtown, MD); Glendale Church of the Brethren Cemetery (Town Creek Road, Flintstone, MD); Hartley Cemetery (Pack Horse Road, Oldtown, MD); Hartsock Cemetery (Ruby Road, Oldtown, MD); Lashley Cemetery (Dry Ridge Road, Flintstone, MD); McCoy Cemetery (Troutman Road, Flintstone, MD); McCoy Cemetery (Town Creek Road, Flintstone, MD); Oakdale (Ketterman/Ash/O’Neal) Cemetery (Flintstone Creek Road, Clearville, PA); Odd Fellows (IOOF) Cemetery (West Flintstone Creek Road, Flintstone, MD); Piney Plains Methodist Church Cemetery (Faith Circle, Oldtown, MD); Prosperity Cemetery (Pleasant Valley Road, Flintstone, MD); Rice Cemetery (Beans Cove Road, Clearville, PA); Robinette Cemetery (National Pike (Rt. 144), Flintstone, MD); Rocky Gap Veterans Cemetery (Pleasant Valley Road, Flintstone, MD); Ruby Farm Cemetery (Flintstone Creek Road, Clearville, PA); Twigg Cemetery (Twigg Cemetery Road, Oldtown, MD); Wigfield Cemetery (Street Road, Clearville, PA); Wilson Cemetery (Timbrook Lane, Oldtown, MD); Wilson Cemetery (Hartley Lane, Flintstone, MD).


Black and white on white paper

630 pages

8.5" x 11"

Southampton Township was formed in 1799 and is nestled in the Southern part of Bedford County with the Mason-Dixon Line forming its southern boundary.  Tussey Mountain rises and divides this second largest township in the County.


Southampton was a hustling township in earlier days and was home to several schoolhouses.  Eleven one-room schools and one two-room schoolhouse once stood in the township, some are still standing today.


Take a look back in time and explore some of the history of all twelve schools including Blues Gap, Browning, Collins, Flintstone Creek, Gordon, Mount Zion, Piney Lick, Pleasant Valley, Point Pleasant, Prosperity, Stony Lick and Walnut Grove.


The book is just over 500 pages and contains information as far back as 1837.  It has lots of photos, listing of teachers, indexed, etc.! 



Black and white on white paper

516 pages

8.5" x 11"

Please note this is an updated book as of March 2016.


Exploring through more than 250 years of Southampton Township history we have created the first book of its kind relating to the cemeteries of Southampton Township, Bedford County, Pennsylvania.  This journey began more than 20 years ago when Dolores began researching and recording information from local cemeteries. 


After several people requested more information relating to their ancestors it was decided that the history needed to be preserved for residents, descendants and future generations.   This book not only serves as a reference but it pays respect to the citizens of the community and pays tribute to the deep-rooted history of the township.  It also honors the Veterans who have proudly worn our Nation’s uniform.


Southampton Township has a very rich history dating back to the 1700’s.  One of the oldest graves of Bedford County is located in Southampton Township.  Richard Iames died in 1758 and is buried on his own property.  He was one of the 13 settlers that come into the area surrounding Town Creek.  Richard is the ancestor of the Iames family that still resides in the area.


The book is just over 270 pages and touches on over 30 cemeteries and includes a few cemeteries that are situated just outside of the township boundaries.  The book contains many color photographs and the GPS or driving directions will help easily locate each cemetery.  A Map that corresponds with the Cemetery List will lead you to an ancestor’s grave.


Cemeteries included in the book are:Beans Cove Methodist Cemetery (Beans Cove Road, Clearville, PA); Bennett Cemetery (Mountain Road, Artemas, PA); Bennett Farm Cemetery (Black Valley Road, Clearville, PA); Browning Cemetery (Black Valley Road, Clearville, PA); Casteel Farm Cemetery (Beans Cove Road, Clearville, PA); Chaney Farm CemeteryChiccarella Farm Cemetery (Chaneysville Road, Clearville, PA); Collins Farm Cemetery (Elbinsville Road, Clearville, PA); East View Cemetery (Chaneysville) (Ragged Mountain Road, Clearville, PA); El-Bethel Assembly of God Cemetery (Ragged Mountain Road, Clearville, PA); Frame Church Cemetery (Frame Church Road, Clearville, PA); Gordon Cemetery (Black Valley Road, Clearville, PA); Howsare Cemetery (Ragged Mountain Road, Clearville, PA); Iames Cemetery (Chaneysville Road, Clearville, PA); Johnson Cemetery (Double Pine Road, Artemas, PA); Klites Cemetery (Beans Cove Road, Clearville, PA); Lashley Farm Cemetery (Lashley Road, Artemas, PA); Lashley Cemetery (Dry Ridge Road NE, Flintstone, MD); Lashley Farm Cemetery (Elbinsville Road, Artemas, PA); Mount Hope Cemetery (Elbinsville Road, Artemas, PA); Mount Zion Cemetery (Ragged Mountain Road, Clearville, PA); Oakdale (Ketterman/Ash/O’Neal) Cemetery (Flintstone Creek Road, Clearville, PA); Perdew (Adams/Huff) Farm Cemetery (Black Valley Road, Clearville, PA); Perdue (Cessna) Farm Cemetery (Sawmill Road, Clearville, PA); Prosperity Cemetery (Town Creek Road, Clearville, PA); Rice Cemetery (Beans Cove Road, Clearville, PA); Roland (Goldizen) Cemetery (Chaneysville Road, Clearville, PA); Ruby Farm Cemetery (Flintstone Creek Road, Clearville, PA); Our Lady of Seven Dolors Catholic Cemetery (Beans Cove Road, Clearville, PA); Shirley Farm Graveyard; Simon Elbin Farm Cemetery (Elbinsville Road, Artemas, PA); Sonne Farm Cemetery (Mount Zion Road, Clearville, PA); Wigfield Cemetery (Street Road, Clearville, PA).


Black and white on white paper

278 pages

8.5" x 11"

© 2014-2022 by Michele L. Miller

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